Envision AI Smart Glasses
At Outlookers we love getting our hands on new pieces of kit and with wearables becoming seemingly ever popular we were excited to add a set of Envision AI Smart glasses to our cache of tech.

Many of you may know or have experience of Envision AI as a stand alone app to assist with text to speech, whether this be allowing the app to read letters or documents out loud, or identifying labels on food packets, this app has many benefits to assist with everyday living. And in recent months the app has gone from being a subscription-based model to being available for free across both android and iOS platforms, making it even more accessible to the masses.
Now, available to work alongside it, albeit at a price point of over £2000, is a set of wearable smart glasses. The Envision AI glasses can be worn as a standalone frame or over the top of a wearers reading or sunglasses. They work in conjunction with the app on a users smart phone enabling the user to utilise all the benefits of the app whilst being able to have their smart phone safely tucked away in a bag or pocket.
In summary to describe these smart glasses to you, they come in a zipped case. The glasses themselves front frame and left arm being made of thin metal not dissimilar to a regular pair of spectacles. Meanwhile the right hand arm is longer and made of hard dark coloured plastic which houses the electronic components of the smart glasses. A small camera sits across the front of the frame to the right hand side. The entire unit is wireless, being connected to your smart phone via Bluetooth and a mini USB charging point is located at the far end of the right hand plastic arm. The charging wire is also provided. To the left of the charging point is the on/off button and the reason this arm is significantly larger than the one on the left is because this is used to manually track through the different settings and options. In a similar way that someone would use taps and swipes to work a smart phone using talk back or VoiceOver a particular part of the right hand arm can also be used in the same fashion
Okay this is not the most aesthetically looking piece of kit, but find me a wearable that is… It’s certainly an upgrade on the first generation of bulky electronic smart glasses that pretty much encapsulated your face so these smart glasses may not be for everyone but if you are more concerned about accessibility than the ascetics this might be the product for you…
So what can you do with them? As mentioned previously they run alongside the Envision App so pretty much what you’d expect to be able to do using the app as a standalone you can also expect to do wirelessly through the glasses.
After switching the unit on the audio talk to you through four main menu features, help, home, settings and more features. As mentioned above you navigate through this menu by swiping from left to right across the front section of the right-hand glasses arm. When you have navigated to the menu item of choice you then tap on the same area to select. You can then repeat in this way through the sub menus. And conversely to make your way back through the menus all that’s needed is a short swipe down. Each downloads swipe taking you back through the menu settings for anyone already competent in VoiceOver or talkback using this unit really would be a piece of cake.
So that is Envision AI Smart glasses in a nutshell. As part of our own collection of technology these are available for members to test in our offices, simply get in touch through the usual methods and we will book you an appointment.
Smart Glasses short text demo https://youtube.com/shorts/AEIBd2HkAgo?feature=share